Sunday, December 26, 2010


Just the words make you think of wonderful snow, light flaky snowflakes falling from the white and moving sky. Then you think of snow-men and snow-balls. The stingy feel of the hard packed round ball.  Then you start to think of the oh-so-wonderfully cold snowball fights and the results. Cold, wet, and shivering children. Maybe even you. After that is the sweet, calorific hot-cocoa. Yummy. 

    I am vacationing in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. 
Weather forecast predicted a huge snow storm. They were right. 
Only this is not Boston where I was in the wee hours of the morning yesterday. We traveled to Cape Cod to enjoy a wonderful holiday at my uncle's beach house. 
It was cold. It is now. 
But just this morning, it was snowing a good deal. Wasn't sticking to the ground much until our little walk on the beach. Wow! Imagine what I had to go through:

              We walked down the road a little way until we reached the ocean. The "walk" was only a couple yards. The tide was in so we decided to walk into the "muck" of the stretch to the actual beach. We found pretty clam shells and crab carcasses and a couple horse-shoe crab shells!! It was fun. The snow had stopped and it was drizzling the tiniest bit. Suddenly, the wind picked up and my hair was whipped across my face. That is when the snow storm started. It was still too warm so the snow is a big mucky mush on the ground. It just started to stick. The wind is murder.

    I am typing this up on my Grandpa's laptop  while my family is upstairs drinking before dinner and my sisters and I are watching Harry Potter 5-The Order of Phoenix. The fire had long gone out.
In Boston it is snowing about a FOOT DEEP! If you are reading this and you live in Boston then you must feel my pain. I have no idea how the heck we are going to get back. I am very glad that my parent's talked me into bringing an extra outfit and that my Grandparents' got me a new one because being prepared is the best thing that can possibly happen. BE PREPARED!!!

And that, my friends, is the moral of this "fun" story. Just explaining LIFE for ya'll!!

Your snow-girl,
PS(I just realized that this is my FIRST POST!!! Happy New Year!

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